Suggestion - Add Payment System Logos Etc

Discussion in 'Templates customization' started by wjwarner, Sep 11, 2003.

  1. wjwarner

    wjwarner Guest

    I'm happy with aMember Pro but had to do a bit of brute force tweeking
    to save and display logo and link info for the payment systems I'm setting up.

    One of these (a paid for add-on) has 'requirements' including quote:
    1. The Certified InternetSecure Merchant Logo is highly visible on each order form, with the correct link opening stand-alone. (Outside of all frames).
    2. All applicable Credit Card Logos are highly visible on all order forms.
    3. Only logos for cards you accept appear on your website.
    The signup and member pages are affected by this 'requirement'

    I got what I wanted in the signup page by editing the 'description' field in the
    .../plugins/payment/internetsecure/ file as follows:
    'description' => '<table>
    <tr><td><a href=""
    <img align="middle" src="/ismerch.gif"
    style="border: 0px solid ; width: 134px; height: 33px;"
    alt="InternetSecure and Merchant Info" title=""></a></td></tr>
    <tr><td><img align=center src="../../credcard7.gif" border=0 width=250
    and in the paypal recurring file (the other paysystem I'm using )
    as follows:
    'description' => '<table>
    <tr><td><a href=""
    <img align="middle" src="../../paypal_logo.gif" title=""
    alt="PayPal Info"
    style="border: 0px solid ; width: 117px; height: 35px;"></a></tr></td>
    <tr><td><b>For current PayPal Users Only</b></td></tr>
    This works but is crude and won't upgrade to new aMember releases easily

    So I'm suggesting a product enhancement to meet this need.

    Note that the stuff added above is a mix of site specific and general.
    The logos themselves may not change but InternetSecure requires a merchant
    number in the logo href, and the "For current PayPal Users Only" comment is needed
    for non-US sites where clients take a month or so to get signed up to PayPal

  2. alex-adm

    alex-adm Guest

    OK, I will add this - thank you for suggestion.

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