Hi all, I want to edit the sendpass.php page to integrate into my site. Does anyone know which html template i should be editing in order to do this as it does not seem very clear to me ?
Like David says: header and footer are the main ones. But there are a few more (all to be found in the templates directory) changepass.html changepass_failed.html sendpass_result.html
Thanks for your replies, I am quite new to all this and have one further problem, when i try to edit the signup.html page in any way whatsoever i get smarty error. Even when just changing the title for example from "Sign-up" to "Sign Up Here" i get the error The error i am getting after publishing the edited page is as follows: ERROR [256] Smarty error: [in signup.html line 68]: syntax error: unrecognized tag: required:true, rangelength:[4, 32], remoteUniqLogin: 'ajax.php' (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 403) in line 1102 of file /mounted-storage/home107b/sub005/sc63313-XPOI/www4/amember/smarty/Smarty.class.php Its not as if just changing the title is a big alteration whatsoever, but it still gives the error... Im confused and any help most appreciated
You need to use a text editor like notepad, or html editor like html kit. Many graphical editors will eat up the smary code like { and change causing the error. David
Paul you've posted your problem before. And then, just like now, I suggest you post the template file. Just the error message isn't helping much in finding a solution. So either you contact support or attach the file if you want this fixed.