I added a couple of products, and went to test out the sign up process and I get the following error: Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in /home/coxchari/wwwroot/coxcharityclassic.com/amember/smarty/SmartyNoWrite.class.php(216) : eval()'d code on line 42 #_TPL_THX_PRDTITLE# #_TPL_THX_PRICE# Silver Sponsorship $8500.00 #_TPL_THX_SUBTOTAL# $8500.00 I am very close to ordering this product but I wanted to get it up and fully funtional before I pull the trigger. My version of aMember is 3.0.9TRIAL PHP 5.1.2 (apache) OS Linux pluto.jtlnet.com 2.4.2... MySQL 4.0.24-standard
Having the same issue here - have imported my users, when I try to set the activation and expiration dates per user, I get: "Fatal error: Cannot use string offset as an array in..." was there a fix for this?