Testing upgrade V3 to V4 bugs report

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by youjoomla, Dec 15, 2011.

  1. youjoomla

    youjoomla Member

    May 15, 2007
    First thank you for the new version it is simply to fall in love with.
    I did some tests , migrating 70k plus users , wtn ok with few bugs on db rebuild but before that , i was surprised to see that there is no pagination in shopping cart . I have 40 products in 1 category and the list is just huge to be presented like that. I maybee missed a setting.

    Also noticed that cart has no function to update quantity and clicking twice on same product just adds it in once so again no quant change. To sum down here are few things I thought that are inand some bugs

    1. Admin products display list shows only 10 products , cant find setting for more than 10

    2. Aded 17 products in category , when using filter in admin it shows 0 when using filter in frontend it shows only 10

    3. FIlter seems like has wrong name assigned to category , example
    Cat1 10 products
    Cat2 3 products

    4. I select Cat2 but shows products from Cat1
    Select Cat1 shows all products (115)

    5. Category description is not displayed in frontend , In admin on save and click edit again it is not present anymore ( using FF latest )

    6. Would be nice to see category that product belongs to in admin products column. Right now is title-billing-sort-action
    7. Is Joomla plugin ready for v4 and what joomla versions?

    As for DB rebuild erros ,here is the log but on second try it worked

    MYSQL ERROR<br /> Array<br /> (<br /> [code] => 1065<br /> [message] => Query was empty<br /> [query] => <br /> [context] => XXXXXXXXapplication\default\models\Access.php line 117<br /> )<br /> 

    call_user_func library\DbSimple\Generic.php 1244 ]
    DbSimple_Generic_LastError->_setLastError library\DbSimple\Generic.php 861 ]
    DbSimple_Generic_Database->_setLastError library\DbSimple\Generic.php 1469 ]
    DbSimple_Mypdo->_setDbError library\DbSimple\Generic.php 1429 ]
    DbSimple_Mypdo->_performQuery library\DbSimple\Generic.php 465 ]
    DbSimple_Generic_Database->_query library\DbSimple\Generic.php 178 ]
    DbSimple_Generic_Database->selectCol application\default\models\Access.php 117 ]
    AccessTable->getStatusByUserId application\default\models\User.php 228 ]
    User->checkSubscriptions application\default\controllers\AdminRebuildController.php 63 ]
    library\Am\App.php 1850 ]
    Am_BatchProcessor->run application\default\controllers\AdminRebuildController.php 30 ]
    application\default\controllers\AdminRebuildController.php 227 ]
    AdminRebuildController->doAction library\Am\Controller.php 139 ]
    Am_Controller->_runAction library\Am\Controller.php 116 ]
    Am_Controller->dispatch library\Zend\Controller\Dispatcher\Standard.php 295 ]
    Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch library\Zend\Controller\Front.php 954 ]
    Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch library\Am\App.php 1372 ]
    Am_App->run index.php 41 ]
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
  3. youjoomla

    youjoomla Member

    May 15, 2007
    Thank you!

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