I override a few if the admin template files using the amember/application/default/themes-admin folder. When upgrading to 6.1.5/6.1.6 my custom admin theme has stoped working and the admin theme configuration in the CP has disappeared..... How can I use custom admin templates in 6.1.X?
Hello, We abandoned admin theme support but you still can enable it with the following code snippet in site.php file: http://www.amember.com/docs/Site.php_file PHP: Am_Di::getInstance()->viewPath = array_merge( Am_Di::getInstance()->viewPath, [APPLICATION_PATH . '/default/themes-admin/yourtheme']);$view = Am_Di::getInstance()->view;$css = $view->_scriptCss('theme.css');$view->placeholder('head-finish-admin')->append(<<<CUT<link href="{$css}" media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >CUT); replace yourtheme in code above with id of your theme. Best Regards.