Does aMember's affiliate program allow you to have a time limit for affiliates to receive commissions? For example, we would like to add a service where you can get a certain percentage of commission for the first purchase and all recurring purchases but only for one year on each referrer. So if someone signs-up for either a free or paid subscription through an affiliate link, the affiliate will only receive commissions for a year from the sign-up date of that referrer, and then, after a year, their affiliate id or whatever would be removed from the referrers account so they will no longer receive commission. If this is not a feature of aMember's affiliate program, would there be a way to implement this easily through these hook things or would it be better to purchase aMember and then use a 3rd party affiliate program.
No, once the affiliate is in the member info, its there unless you manually remove it with phpmyadmin- dont think your affiliates would be too happy about that... David
Not too happy about that? Receiving commissions for 1 year is a standard with many, many companies. Receiving them forever is not standard. In fact, aMember seems to be the only system I have seen where limiting the length of the commission period per referrer is not a feature. Well, guess we'll have to use a third party affiliate program, most of which have this feature. Unless someone can suggest a way of doing this through hooks.
Hey jbardi, Yes, aMember doesn't have a feature to limit the length of commission period. You might want to contact Alex (helpdesk) with your suggestion, hopefully he will include it in future releases. Lee