Hi, I am offering a 3 day trial for 3.97, and then it upgrades to a normal account for 29.97/month. The problem I am experiancing is that on signup.php, it still shows up as $29.97 instead of $3.97. This is really confusing to the end user... as I promised them a cheap 3 day trial! Now, when you reach the PayPal page, it shows the correct pricing. My question is, can I pull this demo price from the database, or am I going ot have to spend an hour hacking the SMARTY template apart so I can display the lower price. Regards, Jared Deschner
I'm in the same boat with this question. So if I read you right, I want to remove the following code from signup.html: ({if $p.price > 0 }${$p.price}{else}free{/if}) Correct? That will just show me the Product Name and Description, right? This way, I can just rename the product to include the payment details there. Thanks --N
Never mind, tried it myself and figured it out. Yes, by the way, that was correct, in case anyone else is following along. --N