Trial Periods and Ultracart

Discussion in 'Integration' started by mracarpenter, Sep 16, 2009.

  1. mracarpenter

    mracarpenter New Member

    Aug 31, 2006
    I'm using ultracart as my shopping cart for my membership site. I've successfully set up amember in Ultracart. When I am assigning my amember product to an UC item number I can select my product from a dropdown menu in digtial delivery. It also asks for a duration. So if it's a monthly membership I just type in '30' days.

    My question pertains to free trial access to my site. Currently the product is set up in aMember as a 5 day trial for an access fee of 1.95. After the 5 days the customer is rebilled for an additional amount. This is all set up properly in aMember.

    If I want to exclusively sell trials to my membership site through UC, do I set the duration to 5 days in UC and set the price to 1.95? Will UC and aMember work together for the rebill after that?

    Any insight is appreciated.


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