The plugin page for the trial software is not working properly. The demo has them all in a multi-select box, but the download trial has them all as checkboxes, and they are all on top of each other, making it near impossible to select some of them to install. Im seeing issue in both Firefox 3 and IE 7 Anybody else see that on trial version?
never mind - I realized it because Im getting a server error for a misg-configuration on my localmachine, so the admin.css file is not getting loaded.
just to clarify - it was the .htaccess files in the plugin and css folders that wouldnt allow the css files to load on my localhost - I didn't modify them and they appeared to allow all. Anyways, I just deleted them and it works now.
I'm having the same problem... can you explain a little more of what you did to correct the problem? Please. Thanks, kcarey ________ Toyota Ecom