Hi, My Admin Email is myname@gmail.com Outgoing email address is team@mysite.com, and the Email sender name is 2WebVideo My problem is whenever an email is sent from within aMember, the email sender name is shown as 'team', and not '2WebVideo'. I contacted the web host. They say the fault is to do with my aMember setting. Please help. I've a ticket open for this also. Partha
Skippy, Thanks for responding. But it's not what you've suggested. There is nothing wrong in my settings of outgoing mails. As I've mentioned above, I contacted the web host and they are saying the remedy lies with aMember settings. But where in aMember settings...I don't know! I've a ticket open for this, but so far no reply has come from aMember. Partha
I've corrected it. Done as under: On my computer, located the file amember > includes > phpmailer > class.phpmailer.php There, I changed var $FromName = "Root User"; to var $FromName = "2WebVideo"; The 'class.phpmailer.php' file is copyrighted by Alex. I'm not sure if my correction as above is legal, but it does solve my problem. Still to hear from aMember to the open ticket on this. Partha
Forgot to mention: After changing the class.phpmailer.php file I FTP-uploaded it to my site to take effect.