1 - We would like to change our default dashboard page. When a person logs into the back end control panel, we'd like them land on the Browse Users page first. 2 - We would like to customize the Browse users page. Both the MySQL queries and the HTML layout of that page. I'm fairly new to v4 and was wondering if someone could suggest where I begin. From my own research of #2 I believe I need to duplicate one or more files. It would appear we need to overwrite createGrid in AdminUsersController. Or perhaps to satisfy #1 and #2 we can just create our own new landing page? Suggests are welcome. Thanks.
The only people that should be logging into the back end panel are those with admin rights. In many cases this could be just one person or rarely over a few people. And you can customize the actual ability of each admin. While I am sure there is a way to modify the code to open on the Browse Users page, IMHO it seems like a lot of work to save the site admin 2 mouse clicks.
1. Just bookmark page http://example.com/amember/admin-users and start from it 2. Almost everything is inside file amember/application/default/controllers/AdminUsersController.php
In amember 3 this was easy to do. Was hoping for the same in 4. We have 5 sometimes 6 admins that login to check on latest users. If it saves a step it help the admins spend less time in the system.
Understand. I tried Alex's idea. If you go to the Browse User link and then log in you still end up on the standard dashboard page. After logging in you could go straight to the page with a bookmark. That gets it down to one click...
Yeah, your right, works from the bookmark. I was just hoping for perfection and allow the admins to keep things as they were. I'm a bit saddened at the lack of flexibility in the new version.
Just wanted to make sure you understood the power of the auto-responder. You define email messages and then set triggers for sending them. You can include system and user variable in the body and attach files. You can trigger an email based on the ownership of a subscription. If you manually approve the subscription it doesn't matter. When you manually approve a subscription you could have the auto-responder automatically send them a custom email. You can even configure exactly when the email gets sent and you can define as many auto-responders as you want. But if this wont' work, it won't work See image below, this is form the lower part of the auto-responder page:
Apparently you are teaching me something new I had not realized they were that powerful. Getting late here. Will take a look tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.
Just realized. We're on the wrong thread But also realized that no, the custom email isn't to the member that signed up, it's to the mailing list of members.
I'm not on the wrong thread. I was still thinking that setting up an auto-responder would be a slick way to send the new user the welcome message. I understand you wanted to send a customized message to an email list, which is going to require some coding. But, What harm would come from a new user receiving the email from an auto-responder that is already integrated with aMember? However, If the welcome email has to go out through the external mailing list then go that route.