UK friendly address fields?

Discussion in 'Templates customization' started by jon987, May 17, 2009.

  1. jon987

    jon987 New Member

    May 13, 2009
    EDIT: I found it!! Thanks to another post I found on the forum. If anyone's interested, the text is in en.php (amember/language) but it's best to copy and paste the lines you want to edit and insert them into sample-custom.php and then rename it to en-custom.php - any lines in en-custom.php will override the corresponding lines in en.php

    I've just paid and installed aMember and it all seems to be working which is great :D

    But I noticed that if you require the customers to enter their postal address details on sign up the form is not very UK friendly e.g. 'State:' and 'ZIP:'
    For some of my customers this could be a little off putting...

    Is there a way to change the text on the form to read e.g 'State/County' and 'ZIP/Postal Code'?

    I'm familiar with FTP and editing HTML code etc. but I can't seem to find the right file to edit.

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