I am developing an extremely private membership site. I would like it to be that there is no registration link on the website and the only way to register with us is to receive a unique registration link from us. That way we could give the link an expiration date and prevent link sharing. Is this possible with amember? maybe through a plugin of some sort? Thanks, Marty
Marty, I believe the easier way to do that is to use coupon codes. You generate number of coupon codes - all good for one usage only, it may give for example $1 or $0.01 discount of payment price. Then we can make a little customization (for some nominal fee) - that the coupon code is required for every signup. To simplify process for customers you can give them signup links in the following form: http://www.yoursite.com/amember/signup.php?coupon=X24543 that the coupon code will be pre-filled.
I would suggest the coupon code too- just create a product at $100k, then give a coupon for 100%. David
Thanks for the great suggestions guys This sounds like a great place to start, I would just need to know what the "nominal fee" would be to code this part? I would also like to take the time to say that I really appreciate the very quick and efficient customer support you guys have here at Amember. It really makes me feel good about becoming apart of the Amember community. Thanks guys, I look forward to hearing what you have to say. Sincerely a Happy Customer Marty
Marthy, our policy is to do not discuss prices here - please welcome to helpdesk. https://www.amember.com/support/