Hello, I have the following questions before i buy this product: Facts about our service: We sell IPCamera which push video stream to our internet server and user eventually watch his/her video on our website. Every user have its own webpage with his video stream but unfortunatley its not secure through login system Now we want to secure this by amember software. Question 1: As a new user when he/she signup he should enter a unique code for example a MAC address of the camera in a new field. Amember should bind a particular weblink that is already present on the server for that MAC address so user only see his own camera link when he/she is login. Questions 2: If that user buy another camera he should be able to add new MAC address and Amember will again bind a weblink that is associated with that MAC. Question 3: What level of customization to the signup/login and other pages i can do. So basically every user will see his own camera and vice versa for other users I am not expert in PHP, MySQL. I need assistance how this can be implemented. -Ahmed
After reading through the forum i found that personal folder plugin can achieve what i want. I enabled the plugin, now i have the following questions: - When new user signup no folder is created automatically - Instead of user name it should use another field value, in my case i created a new field in signup that is MAC address. I want the plugin to create a folder with the same MAC address number - I want an index.html or index.php file that will call a particular mac addresss code, similar like below: <script type='text/javascript'> var so = new SWFObject('http://www.eboundservices.com/live/player.swf','mpl','450','340','9'); so.addParam('allowfullscreen','true'); so.addParam('allowscriptaccess','always'); so.addParam('wmode','opaque'); so.addVariable('file','MAC_Address'); so.addVariable('streamer','rtmp://'); so.addVariable('controlbar','over'); so.addVariable('autostart','true'); so.addVariable('skin','http://www.eboundservices.com/live/beelden.zip'); so.addVariable('plugins', 'sharing-2'); so.addVariable('sharing.link', 'www.arynews.tv/english/ARYTVLive.htm/'); so.addVariable('dock', 'true'); so.addVariable('bufferlength','10'); so.write('mediaspace'); </script>