Once a member is locked due to IP access, we can unlock them. The user has changed their password to prevent this from happening again, however the problem is that since they are now over their limit, once we unlock them and they try to log in, they are immediately locked again! How are we to unlock users who have been autolocked and STOP them from being autolocked immediately? Perhaps resetting THEIR access logs so the number of IPs is reset? Anyone know if there's a standard practice here? Thanks!
Also, I was testing version 3.1.7 yesterday. We are upgrading from version 2.3.4 (don't laugh). In my tests, the Autolock section was listed with: "Count IP for ... minutes" We have a current threshold of 5 IP Address per 720 Hours (1 Month). I changed the 720 to 43,200 so it matched for minutes. We immediately had an account lock on our test server, hence the original Ticket above. I went live with our aMember upgrade today using 3.1.8. However, the Autolock section is different than it was yesterday and now reads: "Count IP for ... hours" So I did not have to do the minute change. The user that was immediately locked yesterday in my test was NOT locked today when I did my test, and according to the Access Logs, the user has had more than 5 IP Addresses in the past 720 Hours. Any ideas on the hours vs minutes issue? Minutes seemed to work, while Hours seem to not work... Once that's solved however, our original question remains. Once unlocked, how do we "reset" their IP Count?
@press_enterprise: We disable autolocking for the user for a {week} and then re-enable. To your point, the other option is manually clearing the dB.
Thanks skippybosco. We were thinking of doing the same (for a day) but then we'd be required to go back and re-enable autolocking manually for those users so we've decided to add a link to the Access Log page and Autolock row that simply runs a script that will simply: DELETE FROM `access_log` WHERE 'member_id'='{member's id}' As much as I hate deleting logs, this seems to be our only choice for now.