"Unofficial" aMember Promo Video

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by gswaim, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. gswaim

    gswaim CGI-Central Partner

    Jul 2, 2003
    I got snowed in for the day and had a little too much time on my hands. So, I decided to make a video that showcased some of aMember's more powerful features.

    I am a big fan of aMember and often find myself trying to explain to somebody about the rich feature set of aMember. And they keep coming back with "But what about S2", or "What about Wishlist", or "What about Premise", or ...... They don't seem to value the difference between a static page of "Buy Now" buttons and a sales page that is dynamically generated and based on conditional visibility settings placed on custom designed pages.

    So from now on, when they ask me "But, What about the "X" plugin?", I am going to send them to this video first:

    Note: I did place a shameless self promotion title at the closing, but hey it took me 6 hours to make :)
    mihkel likes this.

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