Unproteced links not working from protected page

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by traderrobotics, Apr 13, 2013.

  1. traderrobotics

    traderrobotics Member

    Mar 22, 2012
    Hi, when I am on a protected page and click on my main navigation links to me websites unprotected pages, they do not display correctly and do not come up at all sometimes or give me an error. I noticed that after clicking to go to an unprotected page, the address has amember in it, even though the link that was clicked on does not.
    please help
  2. traderrobotics

    traderrobotics Member

    Mar 22, 2012
    note: the user would actually have to log out and then come back to the site as a non member in order to access the unprotected pages
  3. thehpmc

    thehpmc Member

    Aug 24, 2006
    Doesn't display correctly as in what way?

    Can you give an example of problem link? Hard to visualise what is happening.
  4. traderrobotics

    traderrobotics Member

    Mar 22, 2012
    Sure, when I log in to the members area then go to a protected web page to see my protected stuff, and then I click on a link (from the protected page) that is supposed to take me to a UNPROTECTED page, it doesn't . Instead it takes me to a messed up version of that unprotected page which is missing info, or some of the links in the protected page won't take me to some of the unprotected pages at all, and instead will give me an error 404 page. .
    So the link that is being clicked on in the protected page, is the exact same link that is on the unprotected page, (it's my main navigation bar links which is on ever page) but when you click on it from the protected page , it changes the address to an amember protected type of address I guess, instead of just bringing you to the unprotected address that is in the link.
    my website is traderrobotics.com and the main menu at the top is on all pages, protected and unprotected, but they don't work right if clicked on from the protected pages as described above.
    And I've never had this problem that I can remember.
    I used to be able to go anywhere on my site after logging in, whether the page was protected or not that I was trying to go to. So now, basically a logged in user can only go to protected pages. If he tries to click on a link that would send him to an unprotected page, it wont' work right.
  5. traderrobotics

    traderrobotics Member

    Mar 22, 2012
    I think I figured a work around. if I use absolute urls in the links, as opposed to "site pages" then they seem to work okay.
    Does that make sense?
  6. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Please contact us in helpdesk and provide exact example (I need exact page urls and login/password to test this)

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