Upgraded from amember 1.8 free to pro latest version

Discussion in 'Installation' started by akrall, Aug 2, 2004.

  1. akrall

    akrall Guest

    Hi Guys.

    First of all, I must say I have been very impressed with amember. Alex, you have donde a great job! I am always on the lookup for open source software as I manage a consulting company that implementes open source software on SMB and We are a linux and php pro company.

    I dont regularly register software since a lot of software out there is not worth registering but today, after using amember free 1.8 for almost 6 months I have decided to register amember and go for the pro version, IT IS DAMN WORTH THE PRICE!

    And now I have a small question, after migrating, everything looks good, I updated my templates and noticed there are some new ones but.. here comes the question. My user base looks weird :)

    After checking thru the CP/search users function I notice there are some users that say expired and are actually expired, some say pending but are actually active and have current memberships so why do these say pending?

    Also, there are some that should be active cause they have active membership and ARE able to login but on the search users screen they show up as expired.

    Why is this happening?

    Thx and keep up the good work Alex.

    Anton Krall
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    Thank you very much for your feedback!

    Regarding your question - it is already answered in helpdesk, but anyway:
    click to aMember CP -> Rebuild Db

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