I have been looking thru the manual and the forum to try to find more info. After a member logs in, I have a link for them to click on that goes to a php page. On that php page I wanted to show them some info about their account. So I used the following code to test and get nothing output from the $member array. It is sitting inside a protected directory. PHP: <?phpsession_start();$member = $_SESSION['_amember_user'];$mem_login = $member['login'];$mem_pass = $member['pass'];$mem_name_f = $member['name_f'];$mem_name_l = $member['name_l'];$mem_email = $member['email'] ;echo $mem_login;echo $mem_pass;echo $mem_name_f;echo $mem_name_l;echo $mem_email;?> Can anyone point me in the right direction of some additional documentation to show me what I am doing wrong or what is missing? Once I get this working, I wanted to tackle getting the info from an added field (ax_id) that each member has associated with. I couldn't find documentation on that, so I thought I would start with the basic code above. Thank you for your time and consideration.
OK... 2 problems... 1. When you have 2 people working on a site, make sure you don't overwrite the other's code =P 2. After putting the code BACK in, it is working ok now. Yeah. So... my next issue,.. how to get a custom field. (field: ax_id) On to work on that issue =)
Well, that was a 10 second thing. =) Code: $_SESSION['_amember_user']['data']['ax_id'] All is well ... for now =P