Hi Alex, Daily / Weekly(?) email reports to a specified email address, for ex your pda username@blackberry.net I made up a screenshot to give you the visual. I think this is a very useful feature, please vote and let us know. W.
By the way, I voted and thanks. For my small organization, I would like to have option to get monthly report instead of weekly. David
Alex, I believe I asked in one of my previous tickets to your support desk. Is there any third party software that I can use to gather specific data and create different reports? It could one time report or on a regular basis report. Each of us (or organizations) have a different needs and it's going to be difficult for you to develop all type of reports as part of future aMember releases. Thanks Alex. David
I'm affraid there is no such software. If you find one, let me know and we will try to couple it with aMember.
DeafDavid, you can have someone to custom create the scripts for you, but if you're like me you propably don't want anyone touching the amember scripts-unless of course their name is Alex from cgi central ..I just feel more "secure" that way.
Or, maybe some of the users here have some basic and simple customized script and share with us -- like a "freeware". But suggest that this be review and tested by Alex, Alex, and Alexis (did I forget anyone else?). Once the "freeware" get seal of approval, maybe it would be place somewhere here oh BBB for download or member-only area page(s). David
Alex, are you creating some type of reportings in next release? and pretty please, tell us when when is the next release?
There was no much work on the reporting. Our focus is shopping cart / completely revised signup process (potentially VERY configurable/multi-step possible/based on PEAR:HTML_QuickForm). I hope stars will allow us to release first beta by July 1.