I need the ability to build a report on usage so I can attract advertisers. I'd like to be able to spit out things like the number of logins by each user, page views per login, login frequency. I've been told that Amember hopes to add this in the future. But no date was given. Does anyone here use a third party product that comes close to my requirements? Derrick
try this This is about the best http://www.mrunix.net/webalizer/ or this http://awstats.sourceforge.net/
Thank you both. Thank you both for replying. For basic website stats, I use a nice free PHP/mySQL script called www.tracewatch.com. Its is pretty amazing considering its completely free and easy to setup. I will probably also start using Google's new free site analytic tool. I use it for my parent site. It is amazing. I'm really looking for something that can show me usage stats by username. I would like to use aMember (I am not using anything at this time). However, I must continue my search for a tool like aMember that provide usage stats by username. When I say "username", I mean by the username setup in the Membership Management tool. Thank you. Derrick
Other idea Maybe there is a "hack" way to attach the username when they login to the visitors' PHP session or something that could be tracked using a third party website stat tool.
I am a bit confused to what your needs are ? You want to track your users when they log on ? and see where they go and what they click on ? This is a standard function of amember in the access log in the Admin control panel, this tells you who has logged on and when, what ip address, time, date and where they go. If you want to use this info and manipulate it then this is in the database for you to do whatever you want. You could get a coder to help you if you are not into mysql. Anyway, even if Amember didn't have this capacity . . . there is nothing close to Amember .. . . . . bit like looking at the Ferrari and not liking the wheel nuts. Amember user.
log files Pilot, Oh! See, someone at Amember told me that the data isn't accessible by 3rd party products. Yes, the Amember tool does provide a log... but I really need it compiled into more of an "Executive Summary". My client requires these stats so they can sell advertising space on their site. I don't need to know exactly what pages each person has visited. Mainly, I'd like these stats... REQUIRED STATS 1. How many times each person has logged in overall and specific time periods. 2. Total login's overall and during specific time periods. I want to be able to say that I had 535 users login during October 2005. 3. Sort top users by number of logins overall and during specific time periods. 4. Per user top pages viewed. It would be nice to see what pages my top users were viewing the most. This is a luxury stat I could due without. You are correct, all of these stats are being "logged". I just need to figure out how to mine the log files. I thought it wasn't possible beyond Amember adding the features. I don't have any problem with hiring programmer if that would solve my problem. Thanks again Pilot. Derrick
By the way... I agree that Amember is an amazing tool. That is why I'm spending so much time in this message board. I REALLY want to use it.
Derrick, there is quick summary regarding aMember. 1. If you are using htpasswd protection, you will get usual access log along with related usernames. I believe any third-party stats software will handle it without any problems. However, with htpasswd, there is disadvantage - users will get popup login box instead of pretty-looking html login form. 2. If you are using new_rewrite protection, aMember will store username in the session, and aMember does not log every access to page, because it would increase server load very seriously. I don't think any stats software could handle this without customization. However, it is always possible to do something. You'd better find a specialized stats software first, that meet your requirements, then you can discuss customization details.
Yes I know but I need some advices about custom report ! Like to have some slice age from the birhtdate value. For example I want to know how many percent of my users have 20-25 year's old, how many between 20-35...
All of that data can easily be had via sql queries or write simple php programs to query the database. If you add the extra fields as discussed in another of your posts.