Hi Alex, New customer here. Great script, and I only had to furrow my brow a few times getting things set up. I want to use a coupon to give a discounted price for the First Month only on a recurring subscription. Is this how the coupon will work, or, will the recurring price stay at the initial low price? Product price is set at $24.95 per month, I want coupon to let them in for $14.95 first month and then subscription reverts to full price thereafter. Thanks for clarifying this for me. Lou .. .
Lou, unfortunately, it depends on payment processor. Which are you going to use? An alternative is to create a product with necessary settings, and hide it using negative pricegroup.
Alex, I am going to use PayPal. I know PayPal handles this sort of thing with their subscription buttons, Low Price or Free for a certain period and then recurring at full price. Can I use a coupon for this? Lou
Lou, coupon will work in particular with PayPal. I recommend to use a way I described in my previous message.
Okay, let me see if I have this in my mind right... "An alternative is to create a product with necessary settings, and hide it using negative pricegroup." Alex, I create the Product and a coupon to be used with it. Coupon reduces initial price and PayPal automatically picks that up and displays its usual message to customer "$14.94 for the first month and $24.95 each month thereafter."? I hide the product so only folks responding to promotions for the special can find the page? Or, it is just hidden now from inside the members profiles and affiliate links won't point to it? I'll read thru the manual some more today when I get time as well. Lou ..
Not exactly. You create a product with the following settings: Trial 1 Price = 14.94 Trial 1 Period = 1m Price = 24.95 Period = 1m Recurring = YES Price Group = -12458 Then for promotion you give customers the following link: http://www.yoursite.com/amember/signup.php?price_group=-12458 For any other vistors, this discount product is invisible.
Alex, Thanks for that very clear layout. I guess I can test that it works by setting Trial for 1d and see if I get billed full price 24 hours later... LOL. Using the method you describe negates the need for a coupon from what I can see. (Other than maybe a psychological effect on prospective buyer). Lou .. .
Lou, you don't even need to test it actually, you will see clear payment shedule when redirected to PayPal.