V4 Affiliate Module - Any Advice?

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by ncmuze, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. ncmuze

    ncmuze New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    We've been using Amember for close to 6 years I believe, and we were recently upgraded to V4 from V3, I understood that there could be potential problems, but for the most part everything went smoothly.

    The way we've always managed affiliate payouts is to generate a payout file on the 15th of each month, to pay all commissions for the previous month. With V3 you could generate reports for any given month, which was great as you could at least see how much each individual affiliate has earned and we had the chance to work out how much commission was due to be paid. With V4 this seems to be impossible, unless you go through each individual member/affiliate account and work out the totals that way.

    I was instructed to set the affiliate payout day to be inline with the day we've always paid, so this was set to the 15th like always.

    Today being June 15th our Amember install automatically generated the payout file. This is great in theory, but what has happened is that any member/affiliate who earned any commission after May 15th is not included in the payout file.

    It's a real problem, and at the moment I am trying to figure out how I can pay affiliates for the full month of May.

    Does anyone have an ideas of how I can do this?
  2. ncmuze

    ncmuze New Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    Just wanted to update this, I managed to figure out how to pay affiliates what they are due.

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