vbulletin 4 and redirect issues

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by slinky, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Wondering if anyone is having these issues. I can't get my users to login with vbulletin properly after registration or logging into amember. The redirection is also wrong after login (constantly to the home page, not the assigned page or member page.)

    1) User goes to amember login is redirected to the home page if the url is typed in the first time. Ok, let's say we're back and create an account. User sees proper home page and chooses forum link.

    2) User gets to forum and is not logged into forum. Using either amember login (login link redirects there) or using vbulletin login form does not allow login to vbulletin. If you click the "register" or login button, it takes you to the amember member page where the user is clearly logged in.

    3) User tries to logout. Sometimes it doesn't work so well and it retains the cookie. Even when it does, user redirected to home page, not amember default page (when redirect is deleted) or the redirect page entered into the "Login" tab. The login tab says that the user is to be redirected from the mysite.com/amember/login/ page which is WRONG. that's a double directory and wonder whether this is a typo or another problem.

    This worked on Thursday and now it doesn't. Only thing I can think of is that it worked with the old amember vbulletin xml plugin product but hasn't worked consistently since I used the new vb 4 plugin.

    In addition - the product refers to vb 3 consistently (I'm guessing just text) and something to do with not having to redirect users to amember but allowing them to create a free registration into vbulletin directly? Is this correct? Hopefully someone has addressed this issue.
  2. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    This is a serious problem - I just tried rebuilding the vbulletin users directory. No luck. Users have not been able to post anything on the forum now for a long, long time. Unfortunately I can't unhook this. It was working. Trying replacing the new vbulletin plugin with the old - it's the only thing left I can think of that will work.
  3. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    It's also logging me out of vbulletin. I just posted a new message and then got bounced out as administrator. I can't log back in. Even using the login page for vbulletin I can't login. There is something very wrong going on here - I'm wondering how many others have this working properly and I cannot believe that it just started happening on Friday morning... I'll keep you posted and hopefully we'll work this out but time is of the essence.

    Even here I have some login cookie problems. The header says I'm logged in here - and I am able to post this message. But if I go to the help desk (I'm actually seeing my account info) it says that I'm not logged in and need to login despite seeing that I'm logged in. Something wrong with cookies...
  4. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    OK - HUGE bug. Amember is setting all newly registered users to COPPA as opposed to "registered." Nothing I can do about this as the setting is correct on the back end. Not happy as this has been going on for a long time now. Need help asap if anyone has fixed this.
  5. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Big problem. The registration setting simply will not work. This bug keeps coming up in my log for the past 2 days - hundreds of them.

    [Sat Jan 07 15:18:15 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Am_Form_Signup::getFirstPage() in /home/mysite/public_html/amember/application/default/controllers/SignupController.php on line 183, referer: http://www.mysite.com/amember/signup/index
    Anyone who has fixed this - and apparently someone has - please email me asap. This is long overdue.
  6. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    Just rebuilt the vbulletin user database - it has caused serious problems. I wouldn't do it until I can post here that this has been remedied. Some serious issues right now in what it has done to the user database. Will provide more information later.
  7. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    I have isolated a serious bug. Users on my site who create a new account are not having their accounts registered in any user group and are given a usergroup id of 0. If you rebuild your vBulletin database it will reset all your users to a 0 usergroup if they aren't an admin, moderator or supermoderator. Nobody will be able to post or do anything else because there is no usergroupid.

    I'm sending this to alex asap and had sent in these bugs earlier. Didn't want to cause items in public here but I'd hate to see this *awesome* product affect anyone because they really try hard here and this product is excellent for what it is.
  8. slinky

    slinky Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    OK - nailed down the bug. The reason users are not logged into vbulletin is because they are registered as user group "0" -- as such, that user group is for users who are considered not logged in. You can login all day and night but it won't register because vbulletin thinks they aren't registered.

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