ooh so excited! Does the email queuing feature mean throttling? Or is it the ability to have an auto responder series for pending customers? or both
If you want email throttling for v3, take a look at: http://www.amemailqueue.com/ It handles all emails that amember generates - including newsletters, autoresponders, billing emails, expiry notices etc etc Plus, it's clever enough to let the important stuff (e.g. welcome emails, password reminders) through straight away. Cheers Rob
Just to be clear, that is the beta release date. A production ready release may not be available for many months to come.
Skippy, thanks for reminding me -- I guess my excitement got carried But seriously, I do it won't be a long waiting. Maybe a second phrase of Beta testings can be done on a larger scale. Dave
Since I started the post on ver 4, I'd be happy to help beta test. I've been using aMember since 2005 and know it quite well. Thanks for the update Alex!
I am sorry for silence here. First alpha has been delivered to partners, and I hope to get back with some screenshots soon once we get new themes developed. Short list of things done: - full rewrite of code to OOP PHP5 style, usage of ActiveRecord and other patterns; - templates now supports themes and use Zend_View/Wordpress-alike syntax - signup forms are now "very" configurable from aMember CP; - e-mail queues are implemented; - better multi-currency support; - new API for payment and integration plugins; - aMember v.4 uses password hashes; no plain text passwords are stored; Things in current development: - shopping cart; - new e-mailing and download/access control user interface;
Easy upgrade to v4 from v3.x.x? Alex, sounds like a lot of the new features are quite fundamentally different from any previous version (which is a good thing ). I was just wondering how easy it will be to upgrade to v4 aMember from v3.x.x versions? Will it require a 'clean' install, or will it be upgradeable from v3.x.x?
Also, one thing I would love to see in aMember is full support for multi-user sign-ups. This would mean that basically a whole group of subscribers can be added via one payment (i.e. made by a company for their employees), and be managed via this one payment. Seperate logins and user profiles could then be created by aMember automatically and tied to this 'parent' account. Easy ways to add users to the system would be a bonus such as the company paying for multiple licences could supply a file (in CSV format?) that could contain a list of names, e-mails and other basic information. Other features would be the ability for anyone under the parent login to go in and create a sub-login themselves, as long as the parent still maintains an active subscription. This would be great as the system could be populated with a supplied list of users, and/or let users sign themselves up after they have logged into the parent account. Obviously, either way, the maximum number of allowed users should not be allowed to be exceeded. Would be nice to also allow easy addition of further licences to the parent subscription etc. David
Hey David! This is already available as a plugin for aMember 3.1.8. If you submit a ticket through the support desk they will sell you their "company" plugin. They can even customize it for you if what they have is not a 100% match to what you need.
Thanks for that Ken, had no idea this had been implemented. Alex, may I suggest that this could be added to the core of aMember. This would be a great feature to have working 'out of the box' so to speak.
Ken, thanks for the info -- didn't know a plugin is available. Could you tell us what this plugin do? Like Vercana, we have one group purchased group membership -- how can I add 900 people on the list? I don't like the idea of export our database; add 900 names, then import back to aMember database. I would like to import the 900 names into existing membership database.