View Profile Page + a couple of other questions

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by rb_wisetraveller, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. rb_wisetraveller

    rb_wisetraveller New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Hi all, I am very new to aMember and we are just putting things together. I wanted to ask a couple of very quick questions on configuration and set up. None of us are web developers or programmers, although we understand the basics and we are using Rapidweaver to build out our site.

    We are working through set up, adding fields etc and have come up with a couple of challenges

    1. There appear not to be any easy facility to capture birth date, we tried creating a date field, but when rendered the calendar option only provides for years from 2002 - have we missed something?
    2. We have managed to get up the Main Page, when a member logs in, there is an 'Edit Profile' option, however we would like just a 'View Profile', is this possible?
    3. We have enabled the credit card plug-in, but finding some challenges in actually adding a credit card to a user/member, we click on add credit card details and nothing seems to happen. Again a little unsure if we've done something wrong, all we did was enable the plug in, is there any further configuration around this we need to do?
    4. We are putting together our various sign up pages and would like some field to sit on the same line (rather than sitting vertically on the page), is there someway to achieve this?
    5. We have added a number of fields that need to be unique - such as a unique member number, can we build a validation for this?
    This is our first post so please let us know if I should really be asking all these question separately and whether I have even asked them in the right place.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003

    1. Do you have latest version? Just tested this on my local installation, year starts from 1922
    2. Possible but require customizations:
    Create your own page inside member's area:
    Add remove buttons:'s_area
    3. This depends on payment system which you use. Most of payment systems do not store CC info in aMember, so update CC info will work only when you make real signup.
    4. This is possible but you have to create own signup form template:
    5. Sure. Here is an example:
  3. rb_wisetraveller

    rb_wisetraveller New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Hi Alex

    Firstly thank you for the reply. I start on step one and I seem to have done something stupid. I went to upgrade and something went wrong and the system is now stuck in 'Maintenance Mode'. What should I be doing here?

    Kind regards

  4. rb_wisetraveller

    rb_wisetraveller New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Also when I go back to upgrade/update again I receive the following message:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method Am_FileConnector_Ftp::getMessage() in /home/twtrich/public_html/amember/application/default/controllers/AdminUpgradeController.php on line 590
  5. rb_wisetraveller

    rb_wisetraveller New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Hi Alex, apologies, one problem fixed, I found the maintenance mode option under advanced. Still have the problem of trying to upgrade again. Let me know how to handle this.

    Thanks, Richard
  6. rb_wisetraveller

    rb_wisetraveller New Member

    Aug 20, 2012
    Hi Alex, ok now I seem to have fixed all, I think a cahce problem on my browser, update appears to have worked and maintenance mode off. It looks like all is back up and running. Is there anyway to confirm everything is ok before I start through the rest of the list you kindly provided.

    Thanks, Richard
  7. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    if you have any issues with automatic upgrade, please try to upgrade manually.
    Download upgrade package for your amember PRO version from your account and upload all files from package(replace existing files).
    Then open /amember/admin-upgrade from browser.

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