amember v4 is really good. When member updates his profile by clicking "save profile" button, there is no visual display instantly like "Your Profile has been successfully updated", though it actually updates. Is this a bug? or am I missing anything here? Expecting your reply at the earliest. Thanks.
Thank you Mr. Alex for your kind reply. But when the user(member) change his password on the profile page, I think it should display the message as "Your Password Changed Successfully", so that the member will not get confused. Otherwise the member won't have clue whether his password changed successfully or not, until he tries to login with the new password. It would be a nice feature to display a message, as it would instantly make the member confident about his changed password. Please reply. Thanks
Sure, you right. We have implemented this and this fix will be available in next aMember PRO release.
Hi, I'm looking for this feature too. There was a recent aMember PRO update but it doesn't seem to have this feature. Am I missing something?