Warrior Plus Plugin, Payment & Affiliate Integration

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by sorenhoyergroup, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. sorenhoyergroup

    sorenhoyergroup Member

    Dec 31, 2012
    I'm about to relaunch my product again using the Warrior Plus payment plugin, but I do have some questions.

    I have a product and an integration with my phpBB 3 forum, which is a members only forum, and I also have my affiliate program inside amember.

    Reason why I need Warrior Plus is to get a big amount of affiliates to promote my product to their lists during launch, but how does this Warrior Plus payment/affiliate system integrate with my existing amember affiliate program/membership system? Will all data, stats and control be available from within the amembers dashboard, like if you've just setup normal paypal payment in amember?

    I don't understand it at all, and I haven't found any documentation on the subject.
  2. relapse

    relapse aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 15, 2010
    There is no documentation on it.

    And it's basically still in BETA.

    It does work with W+ assuming you get the same customization I got, but will not work for recurring subscriptions.

    One off, yes.

    Recurring after the one off payment goes through W+, no.
  3. sorenhoyergroup

    sorenhoyergroup Member

    Dec 31, 2012
    But will you be able so see all the data and control everything from within amember still?

    User registration (and with the amember / autoresponder plugin)
    Forum integration (with phpBB3 plugin)
    Affiliate stats, terms etc

    And if fx you had a recurring membership it would work right. The W+ affiliate just wouldn't get more than the initial sale?

    By customization do you mean filling out the fields in the Warrior-plus payment or is additional configuration necessary?
  4. relapse

    relapse aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 15, 2010
    Yes, everything but the recurring.


    As I stated in my op, no recurring.

    Just went through this and got confirmation yesterday.

    The script looks to W+ for the IPN to be delivered every month, but W+ ain't doing that for you.

    That has to come from Paypal.


    I mean Alex made customizations to my install of 4.x to get W+ to work on the first payment.

    I would submit a ticket and give them a link to this thread along with your questions.

    They may have started working on a solution, but I don't know that.

    I do know that it is fresh in their support desk though.
  5. sorenhoyergroup

    sorenhoyergroup Member

    Dec 31, 2012
    Thanks a lot for your answers!
  6. sorenhoyergroup

    sorenhoyergroup Member

    Dec 31, 2012
    Relapse, a few more questions.

    I'm using WSO Pro primarily to get more affiliates.

    So how does it work exactly, with regards to the affiliate program?

    I've already set up my affiliate program in amember with a lot of parameters (delay, % etc), but when I create a listing in WSO Pro I'll set a commission percentage there too. Actually one for WSO of the day, if chosen as well.

    Doesn WSO Plus alter your current amember affiliate program when transferring data/statistics?

    I think I now know how the payment work, but a amember affiliate program with all it's settings and a WSO pro affiliate program - how is that going to work together?

    And what if you partner with some JV, giving him a small % of each sale. You can do that inside WSO Pro, but how does amember handle that?
  7. relapse

    relapse aMember Pro Customer

    Jun 15, 2010
    Sorry man, I did not see your post here before.

    I am just back to working on this so I was rereading everything from before.

    Didn't mean to leave you hanging like that.

    I was doing 100% with a trial price in W+, and the payments were showing as full payments in Amember but the money went to the affiliate, via W+.

    W+ Should over ride all amember affiliate settings if I am not mistaken.

    Hope that helps, but I know I am late.

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