Is there a way to update the sessions without closing all browser windows and going back to the site? example; say I have a field in amember DB called saluted and it value is set to NO unless they salute. So now i'm logged in and I display "Not Saluted" and I go and salute so now im saluted but the sessions for every page would still say not saluted until I restart my web browser
There is a way to do this if your PHP page when you display value is protected with php_include plugin. Edit file amember/plugins/protect/php_include/ and remove lines: if (@$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['_amember_login'] && @$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['_amember_pass'] && array_intersect((array)$HTTP_SESSION_VARS['_amember_product_ids'], (array)$_product_id)){ return; }
It may affect performance of your site, because access permissions will be checked in database for each page access, not only first time.