Weird Problem with MySQL Connection

Discussion in 'Troubleshooting' started by smoove045, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. smoove045

    smoove045 New Member

    Aug 22, 2006
    When I click on "edit my profile" as a member, I get an error. The error is:

     => 0
    [message] =>
    [query] => mysql_connect()
    [context] => /home/xylowuco/public_html/hglm/members/plugins/db/mysql/ line 42
    The weird thing is that I was able to install the software fine and am able to edit things in the admin panel. So, obviously it can connect to the database fine. But, I still get this error when trying to go to a profile page as a member - signed in. Why?
    I am thinking it has to do with line 42 in which is:
     $database = & DbSimple_Generic::connect("mysql://$user:$pass@$host/$db");
    The thing is - it is setup correct (database) because I can modify things in admin panel, install was successful, etc. - its just when I am actually using the amember system itself, as a member, it comes up with this error when trying to edit the profile and other things - like on the signup page. This is the error in the error log.
    Please help!

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