What happens to the subscription day count when a customer cancels?

Discussion in 'Setting-up protection' started by tomingles, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    I am setting up a monthly installment system where people pay €7 a month and get a set of files each month for 14 months.

    I am using the Wordpress integration plugin and am delivering their monthly files through ONE protected Wordpress page (set to "from start to forever" in the protection settings) but using the Amember Shortcodes to show/hide their monthly links based on where they are in the subscription period.

    I am also protecting the files linked to from these links using the same 'Subscription Days' count.

    I have set it up so that once they have subscribed to the product, they get access to the download page forever (but I have limited the downloads they can perform).

    So, if someone signs up on Day 0 and pays their monthly fee for 31 days, then pays again on day 31, then cancels their subscription on day 40 (before making the third payment on day 62), will they still have access to files (and links displayed using the shortcodes) made available on that page with that product "From Day 62 until forever"?

    So the main question is: does the clock stop counting on their subscription *from the moment they cancel*? So in effect their subscription remains forever at Day 40 if they cancel their subscription on day 40?

    What I want to make sure doesn't happen is that even though they cancelled at day 40, they still get access to future files through the same page if they return to download files in the future, after they have stopped paying.

    So, even if they cancel on day 40, as the product and page are set to allow access until "forever", will the below link show on the page, and the file become available to them to download on day 124 following their original subscription even though their subscription is no longer active?

    [am4show have='p2,124,-1;' ]
    <a href="http://mydomain.com/members/content/f/id/11/">Download link show to subscribers from day 124 of their subscription</a>

    I hope this makes sense, and sorry for the long post!
  2. tomingles

    tomingles Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    Support replied to me via email, and just to clarify for everyone, it works like this:

    As soon as a customer cancels, his Active Subscription 'day count' goes until the end of that payment period, then stops. So if he comes back one year later, the system (in the above case) will see he has access to product ID 2 forever and allow him to see the Wordpress page. It will also see that his Active Subscription 'day count' is 61 (he paid for two months) and then only display for him on the page the first two sets of links like this:

    [am4show have='p2,0,-1;' ]
    <h3>MONTH ONE</h3>
    Link to Download file 1
    Link to Download file 2

    [am4show have='p2,31,-1;' ]
    <h3>MONTH TWO</h3>
    Link to Download file 3
    Link to Download file 4

    So in answer to my question:

    Does the clock stop counting on their subscription *from the moment they cancel*? So in effect their subscription remains forever at Day 40 if they cancel their subscription on day 40?

    The subscription 'day count' continues until the last day of the current billing period, and then stops. Despite the fact they have access to the "parent" product (and therefore Wordpress page) forever, no more links will display to them even if they return to download their original files again, for example 500 days later...

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