What is "one-time" Download plugin

Discussion in 'Integration' started by nebulousx, Nov 22, 2006.

  1. nebulousx

    nebulousx New Member

    Nov 11, 2006
    When I go to the purchase screen, the first plug-in listed in the "one-time" download plugin. If I look at the complete list of plug-ins, it isn't on there.

    I assume this allows you to let members download some file one time only? If so, does it allow you to accept payment for it?

    If not, what is it and where can I read more about it?
  2. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004
    It allows you to configure a file for every your product that will be automatically offered to download.
    It will also count how many times file was downloaded and disable it when configured limit reached.
    It is not acceptable for big files.
  3. dougforman

    dougforman New Member

    Feb 4, 2006
    A couple more questions about the one-time download plug-in please?

    1. Is the number-of-times-downloaded limit based per user, or system-wide?

    2. Is the download available to a user later if they do not download when first offered? If so, where does the user find the download later?

    3. What is the concern/limitation about file size? What is the maximum suggested file size?

    4. Would this be an appropriate solution for a one-time purchase of a file from the website (with the option to download it again once or twice later)?

    5. Is there documentation for it? Where?

    Thanks in advance for your answers!
  4. jjkweb

    jjkweb New Member

    Dec 2, 2006
    I am also curious if this plug-in right for me without spending $40 first.
  5. alex

    alex aMember Pro Customer Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2004

    1. Per user, to be exact - per subscription.
    2. Yes, sure. Link is available from amember/member.php
    3. There are no direct limitations, but as said it is incompatible with download managers. I would not recommend it for video files.
    4. Yes.
    5. Here is the plugin readme:

    OneTime_Download plugin allows you to setup one or more files download per product.
    This downloads will be automatically protected by aMember, and aMember will
    count how much times every subscribed downloaded this file(s). When configured
    limit is reached, member won't be allowed to download file(s) again.


    1. Put "onetime_download" folder to amember/plugins/protect/ directory
    2. Go to aMember CP -> Setup -> Plugins and enable "onetime_download" plugin.
    3. Go to aMember CP -> Setup -> One-Time Downloads and configure it
    4. Go to aMember CP -> Setup -> Edit Products and set per-products option.

    Comment: it will send file using PHP file, so file itself shouldn't be
    accessible via HTTP.

    It is actually a simple and non-complex thing.

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