Hello, Why your company is not providing support? No reply from 72 hours, Where should i go? I have email 4 days back no response, Please provide me support, Two month already waste. Your amember manually is not helpful no guide lines there & wasting of time on email support. I have enable new_rewrite option in previous version Pro 3.1.0 but yesterday i have upload new version Pro3.1.2 upgrade files. After that new_rewrite option is not working. Its enable in amemberCp. Please provide me complete guide so if in future so i can solve this problem my self. Note yoursite mean: my site name I got two more errors --------------------------------------------------------- <b>WARNING:</b> Cannot find applicable e-mail template for [send_payment_admin,en,,] in line 1192 of file /home/www/yoursite.com/amember/common.inc.php --------------------------------------------------------- DEBUG (CRON OUTPUT): <b>WARNING:</b> Cannot find applicable e-mail template for [mail_not_completed,en,,] in line 1175 of file common.inc.php <b>WARNING:</b> Cannot find applicable e-mail template for [mail_not_completed,en,,] in line 1175 of file common.inc.php <b>WARNING:</b> Cannot find applicable e-mail template for [mail_not_completed,en,,] in line 1175 of file common.inc.php -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hello, Can you verify that the following templates exist in your database. mail_not_completed send_payment_admin Using something like PhpMyAdmin select the amember database and then select amember_email_templates. Then select browse. This should display the records for this table. What are the values for product_id and day. Jimmy