I have created a test user for testing the access and bridging between amember and wordpress. After testing I deleted the test user and rebuilt the database from utilities. Now, I find there is no test user available in Dashboard>Browse Users. When, I again tried to create a test user, with the same username as the old one, I am getting the error that such user already exist. So, I went into the wordpress installation and there I find that the deleted test users are still existing in the wordpress database. This means that re-building the databases after making changes, is out of sync. How do I fix this problem?
Sounds like something is configured wrong. When I delete a test user from amember4/users it deletes it from Wordpress automatically AND there is no need to rebuild the database after.
I think he forgot to set amember to delete the user from wordpress- its an option in the plugin setting. Now they are out of sync. David