Wordpress caching and the login widget

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by bongpig, Apr 1, 2013.

  1. bongpig

    bongpig New Member

    Jan 4, 2013
    Hello all :)

    Ive been trying to implement some caching on our wordpress site: http://wildfireworlds.com/

    As you can see, we use the login widget in our sidebar. What happens after a while of having caching enabled is the login widget forms get cached with a random users log in info. So, Ill go to our site and it'll look like somebody is signed in. Pressing log-out wont work. It just keeps showing a user as logged in. Of course, if I try to visit the members area, it wont work... as the user is not really logged in. It just looks like that as the page cache is stored with a user logged in.

    Ive tried both Super Cache and Total Cache, with both showing the same issues. Even with front page caching disabled, it still happens.

    Does anybody know how to set up Total Cache so it doesn't cache the widget forms?

    Thanks for your time
  2. curtm275

    curtm275 aMember Pro Customer

    Aug 20, 2012
    I have the same problem. Is there a solution?

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