wordpress integration plug

Discussion in 'Integration' started by okso, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. okso

    okso New Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Just checking the plugin should work with the trail amember license. Presently although the plug appears to be functional within the cp it will not retain any input values whatsoever. I have tried wp v2.7.1 - 2.8.1-RC1. Any leads appreciated.
  2. okso

    okso New Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    I've been scouring around, is there an issue with amember without www. address such as my test installation http://ipaddress. Also, I found this... You need to enter the database and table name for your WordPress installation like: database.wp_database is the name of your database and wp_ is the default table prefix that WordPress assigns to all of its database tables. Both of these values can be found in your wp-config.php file. (so far so good) (but what is this...) If you have trouble use the built in browsing tool and play around with the path until you find the right format. For example, ‘/home/path/..’ needs to have the first ‘/’ or it won’t work. (I have just entered the values as they exist in the wp.config, do they need any path information appended? This isn't clear to me.

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