Wordpress Plugin and BBpress

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by wplook, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. wplook

    wplook New Member

    Jun 17, 2011

    I Installed and configured bbpress. I have some problem with the login. If I am login with amember widget i can't post in the forum and if I am login with bbpress login widget i can post in the forum. This two login methods are not working together in the same time. Is this normal? Because is not clear when to use amember login widget.

    Any advices!!
  2. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    You should use aMember login widget and bbPress login issue have to be fixed in plugin.
    Please contact me in helpdesk Iw il lhelp with this.
  3. amyaturnersb

    amyaturnersb New Member

    Jan 8, 2013
    Hi All,

    I have the same question noted previously on this thread, but the issue seemed to be handled internally.

    I'd like to use bbPress forums and set the forums to "private" or "hidden". (If a forum is set to "public" and aMember is used to protect that forum, the forum's Topic and Reply URLs are NOT protected, so anyone could just type in the URL of a topic and see the forum thread. So the forum isn't really protected. A private forum set in bbPress would be necessary).

    However, when the forum is set to "private", and an aMember user is logged in, bbPress is not syncing with aMember and recognizing that a user is logged in and can use that particular forum. I'd like bbPress to recognize when an aMember user is logged in and let them post in the forum, even when it is set to private. Is there a way to do this, or is it a lost cause, based on the way bbPress works at this time? I know there are a few membership plugins that allow for this, but I prefer aMember. I was just hoping that there was a way to sync up with bbPress. Perhaps I'm just missing something.

    I had thought that if I checked "Allow Anyone to Register" in Wordpress, and also checked "Create aMember Users By Demand" in aMember's Wordpress configuration screen, that it would sync the users in the Wordpress User table with the aMember User table, and thus allow bbPress to work in the way described above. However, it's not happening, and the aMember documentation also says to be sure to leave the "Allow Anyone to Register" box UNCHECKED, so that worried me a bit. Based on all of this, I'm presuming that aMember cannot add new users to WP, such that bbPress would recognize when someone is logged in?

    Thank you for any feedback and assistance!
  4. tokazama2

    tokazama2 aMember Pro Customer

    Feb 7, 2013
    I am having this same problem. Did you find a solution?
  5. alexander

    alexander Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 8, 2003
    Make sure you use latest version of wordpress plugin. That is not the case in latest plugin.

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