I am having problems getting the software to connect to the wordpress tables when I try to use the Wordpress integration plugin. My wordpress database name is: nyquistcapital_com_-_nyquistcapitalwordpress My Wordpress table prefix is: wp_ Amember and Wordpress share the same database. I enter the following into the Wordpress plugin configuration for database.tableheader: nyquistcapital_com_-_nyquistcapitalwordpress.wp_ And I get the following error message: It would appear that there is some problem parsing the name of my database up to the hyphen. I would try renaming the database, but given I have stat software and bulletin board software (and who knows what else) I am wary of making such a major change. Anyone see this before?
If aMember and wordpress share the same database, then you need to enter just: wp_ or this should work as well: `nyquistcapital_com_-_nyquistcapitalwordpress`.wp_
Both appear to be working. There appears to be no confirmation message once the right info is provided.