wordpress plugin issues

Discussion in 'aMember Pro v.4' started by lbcp, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. lbcp

    lbcp New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
    I have two wordpress install, one is mydomain.com other one is members.mydomain.com

    Basically the main domain install is the sales page, and the members are on the subdomain. When the user wants to signup from the sales page he gets to the amember signup etc, and then get access to the subdomain's pages.

    I installed amember in the public_html/members/ folder, which is the subdomain.

    After configuring the 3 different db (1 for main domain, 1 for subdomain, 1 for amember) going through the wordpress integration, the wp plugin on members.mydomain.com dropping the errors on the screenshot. I gave the amember install the correct wp install's sql pass and user/db data, even it fetched them itself without issues. So i dont know whats the problem, some clue? Thanks a lot!

  2. lbcp

    lbcp New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
    I solved it - for now - with setting up amember to protect the /members folder which is the subdomain. Removed the wp plugin integration from amember, and unistalled the plugin.

    If i set up the wordpress install to not let index anything for search engines... will it be enough to protect every post and page on the wordpress install? Or do i need maybe some other extra htaccess disallow settings added manually?

    If it will be ok this way, then its much easier for me to work with it. There wont be wp themed signup/login pages though i guess.
  3. lbcp

    lbcp New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
    Still trying to get the wp plugin work, as it would be the perfect solution.

    Its seems like the new wp update causing the error? Not seeing the amember plugin setting menu on the left side, just "sometimes"
    and when i place the widget into a sidebar, this pops up: http://prntscr.com/53vam
  4. lbcp

    lbcp New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
    Also sent a ticket about 16 hours ago.
    I would appreciate an answer / help / solution before the weekend break...
  5. emilybon

    emilybon New Member

    Mar 1, 2010
    I am not an expert, but I think you set it up wrong. The amember install and the WP install, must be in seperate folders/subdomains. So, amember install files would go in public_html/amember and the WP install files would go in public_html/blog This is what I did and I am still playing with it but most of it seems to be working so far, for the exception of a few bugs I think are still in the system.

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