Evidently I installed the WowBB Plugin correctly because in the Amember CP, when you click Setup / Configuration, (in the left pane) then click the WOWBB board Tab at the top of the page I get the information presented below. Please give me an example of the information that is needed for each of the three options below. Like option 1 below seems to need 2 pieces of information? In what format is the information inputed? aMember Pro Configuration : WOWBB board WOWBB Integration 1) WOWBB Db and Prefix database name (if other database) plus WOW board tables prefix, like wowbb.wowbb_ here WOW board in database wowbb and tables prefix is wowbb_ after change click SAVE twice 2) Default Level default level - user will be reset to this access level if no active subscriptions exists. You have to configure WOW DB first. 3) Denied Levels aMember will never touch WOWBB accounts P.S. No instruction were included in the zip file on how to install or configure the WowBB Plugin.